your true strength sleeps behind your eyes

we prey as wolves among the sheep
and slit the necks of soldiers while they sleep

His lip turned up in a scowl as the bitter wind knocked into his frame. This would be his first winter and already it wasn’t getting off to a good start. It was lucky that much snow hadn’t come yet, but anyone could tell it was right on the horizon. When that time came, Apollo would be lost like a ghost in the white winter wonderland. For now, he still stuck out like a sore thumb against the dying, brown vegetation.

He turned away from the shore, letting the wind hit his back and sides, instead of his face. When he did, he saw Iskata not too far off in the distance. Many of the faces had begun to grow fuzzy from his childhood here and he couldn’t place a name. Did he even know who this was? He raised a hand, a few fingers wavering in the air in greeting.


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