Baby girl, I'm just a blur

To the naïve pup there was nothing more natural then having to moms. Not truly understanding what a father even was, she didn’t miss having one. Two moms meant two pairs of eyes to watch Brooklyn, and to save her from the pups teasing. Two meant double the kisses on scrapped knees, and always someone there to wipe away tears.

She sat, eyes staring up at the larger female. Taking in all the words she spoke, even though she spoke really fast and said things that didn’t make much sense. What was a bitch, and how could she stay away from someone that living in the same cave as she did? She almost missed the warning the dark fem gave while she thoughts about it all.

But I likes the water. She claimed, not to sure what drowning really was. Well, what you doing? Are yous drowning? Maybe drowning was playing around the water, or was it just touching it?


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