your true strength sleeps behind your eyes

we prey as wolves among the sheep
and slit the necks of soldiers while they sleep

"Not really," he confessed, and he wasn’t really making it a point to go out and let everybody know. As far as he was concerned, he didn’t have many relations here. He had never really felt much connection with his father, brother, or anyone else. He had come back merely for the plan. And also, because he didn’t find what he wanted during his time away. "I saw Savina Marino, so she knows. But that’s all." He offered a thin smile, still trying to sort out her name. Why was he having such difficulty? He knew her face, he just couldn’t remember…

He offered a half laugh, feeling slightly embarrassed for the comparison. However, it was true. Aside from his eye color, Apollo’s build was fairly similar to Pilot’s. Even his face had begun to take on the same look. Perhaps the only big difference was that Apollo had built himself to have the frame of lithe fighter. Pilot wasn’t built for self defense at all. "I guess so," he offered, unsure of what else to reply with. "Has a lot changed since I’ve been gone?"


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