these four walls
He laughed when the male gave an answer. It all clicked into place now as dull old memories surfaced. There had been a hybrid who'd been given the name Hybrid at birth, who'd lived in the old Inferni. He shouldn't be surprised that the warped Inferni member would have a wolf as plaything. His fangs were bared as he taunted the male, "Hybrid won't be happy, now that's too bad." He teased and twisted the wolf's mane in his fingers as he felt the creature's warm breath on his flesh. Kneeling dow he asked. "Or.. is it you who wouldn't be happy.." DaVinci knew nothing of Pilot's twisted fantasy world where pain, lust and love had sonehow fused together, but he found the idea strangely amusing, that some bastard from Inferni would find a hybrid that had chosen not to run with the clan playing with his toys.

At the suggestion that DaVinci leave the male smirked and moved closer to the male that seemed as limp as a rag doll. With one quick push he knocked the male back as he stood there, his stormy eyes watching the form of the other. "You don't want me to leave, do you?" It had slowly begun to dawn on the male that this wolf liked being pushed about, that he liked being under control.. perhaps that's what DaVinci would have to do to save the poor sop.

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