your true strength sleeps behind your eyes
She stood there watching the male as he spoke, she was of course interested in his travels, as she hadn't left in so long and there was still a wayward traveller trapped in her soul she'd had to quiet over the years. The flurries had begun to fall as she licked one that had stung her nose before something he said sparked as she shook her head to get the annoying flakes to disperse as she asked suddenly. "North? Wha'ts north?" She realized that sounded stupid as she suddenly went on. "Normally everyone travels from the South, or west.." she explained. She'd never heard of anyone having went northward and now he had her full attention, if he wanted it or not.

Iskata smiled at the male as she once more flicked snow flurries from her pelt. They weren't that big of a bother but she didn't want to return home with a damp coat and catch cold, or even bring anything of the likes into the cottage with her young pups. Her eyes turned off towards the grey bay as she moved on. "What sort of training?" The question was simple, but she wasn't certain if he'd actually give her much of an answer.. she was getting the hint more and more that the boy wanted left alone, like so many of their family seemed to want now.

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