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Mew Sadira

Can do. Deuce sine onga?
Fuck, eg hate linked accounts når innstillingen ikkje lagres frå preview >_<
Word count: 355

As her brother's brown and creamy form grew in size before her, Mew saw that the confusion was not only painted on her own mind. She approached him, and perhaps she could not hide her feelings as well as she always thought she could, since the male seemed to react to the coldness that was inside her. She was stone, and he was moving water; his eyes did not linger any place and his body seemed on edge, ears flickering and pose clumsy. Mew was anticipating an answer, and like an older sister - mature and firm - she would wait with her head raised high until he understood her intention of dragging some apology from him.

His words came tumbling out, clumsily revealing his knowledge of his sister's anger. He knew, but his personality was nothing of the cold steel knife as it had been last she saw him. She had not spoken to him directly since that time, and she had not wished to. Although, over time, when such things were not solved, the anger and distance often grew to new proportions. Noticing her brother's discomfort at her presence (Mew knew very well she could be intimidating when angry, despite her tiny and fragile appearance), her anger immediately subdued slightly. He would not notice, unless he dared meet her emerald eyes, who now sparkled slightly warmer than they had just seconds ago. He was her baby brother, and she both knew him well and did not know him at all. Despite the somewhat cuteness of the clumsy take on the conversation he had, though, she would still demand him to behave himself - it was only fair, after he drove her away in tears. Mew, crying. A rarity. Yes, it's been awhile. She wasn't going to make it easy for him. Why should she? He deserved this, although this was not meant as a malicious thing. She did not want to see him feel bad in any way, he was her brother, but he would just have to work a little for her support. I'm good, thank you. yourself? She was casual ice.


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