what dreams may come

indent There was hesitation to obey the warning was in part to his own doubt. This was a dream; he should have been able to control things, now that he was aware of it. But…but it wasn’t a dream, was it? Laruku was standing there talking to him, as solid and real as he ever was. He turned away, back to the lake. One moment later he had a cigarette in his hand, and the smoke was taking shape, wrapping around his head and trailing down his arm. The dragon was his father’s, an heirloom that had turned the color of dried blood. Translucent, it followed his motion as he finally retreated from the shore and towards his companion.
indent When they were side by side, Ahren finally spoke.
“This isn’t real,” he said finally, his right eye still glowing, hollow in the night. Perhaps that was Kaena’s mark. He didn’t even know anymore.


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