what dreams may come

Dreams. He didn't know what dreams were. Reality was a dismal place constructed and sometimes controlled by the monsters in his head, so was this really that different? The world was the same on both sides of the coin with the same ground and air, the same water in the lake, polluted by the bodies of dead children and the ghosts of people that should have never been a part of anything. So then all he had to say was, Nothing's real. And he smiled, faint and soft, half-sincere, but only because he wasn't sure what was and wasn't, or what his intentions were, or who he was. No fog tonight, but he was lost all the same.

His watched the smoke twist around the other like a snake, like a hangman's noose before it became a noose. Someone was laughing, but it wasn't him, and it wasn't just coming from his head this time. He could hear it echoing through the forest like a fucked up fire alarm. Evacuate the premises; shit's going down. The hybrid looked away from the lake and into the darkness of the forest. You're not real, he told his friend (really?), I'm not real. And that's not real. He gestured towards the hollow night. Maybe they weren't in either of their dreams or heads -- maybe it belonged to someone else entirely.

And such Alice had asked the King, is this your dream or mine?


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