what dreams may come

indent Ahren’s right eye remained hollow, blind, burning. He grinned viciously, off-white teeth glistening in the moonlight. He knew the rules of this game, and knew that they were infinite and worthless. Everything could change at the drop of a hat, nothing made sense, this was the shadow realm and they were merely pawns. Somewhere in that forest, above the laughter, below the trees, music was playing. He could barely hear it, but it was there. Around his neck the cursed necklace began to glow without giving off light, and had he been able to feel he might be aware it was burning hot.
indent“Yes,” he said shortly, grin fading, following a path that was not there.
“And I don’t know,” he added, looking up to his companion. Laruku’s scars were white in the starlight. One of the trees moved, a branch curling into a claw, a face twisting out of the wood. Ahren didn’t spare it a glance—he knew it was there. He knew what he was walking into.


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