what dreams may come

Three red eyes in the night, one blind, smoldering black like the woman who had given them both a litter and like the man that -- there were a thousand ways to finish that sentence, each as unpleasant and bittersweet as the next. A bad taste in his mouth and a taboo on his tongue; the waves rose higher behind him, but he wasn't looking anymore. The trees were like plastic cards in an endless deck -- tricks and traps, every last one of them and he drew the same hand over and over, a full house of tarots met the dawn with three dead bodies and two sobbing survivors.

The laughter was his own, even if it wasn't coming from his searing throat full of fire and brimstone. He didn't recognize the face in the wood, but that didn't matter. There were a lot of things that didn't have faces and it could belong to any one of them, or someone else's demons. Was the forest his? Or was it the lake? Or both and all and he and the blonde were the same person in the end when they'd both wake screaming into the night, cold and alone. He thought he spoke, but no words were there. He turned around and saw himself, blinked, and then was gone.


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