what dreams may come

indent Here came the third, a tomcat grin and yowl, all puffed up fur and teeth. The forest was still laughing, still breathing. Somewhere far behind them to the south a fire had started. It was small yet, but it would grow in time. It would crash together with that tide and they would destroy each other. Maybe that was all they needed. Maybe the end of the world was just another metaphor, like everything else they did.
indent It was the touch that caused a reaction. Ahren’s eyes, glowing in the dark, lost their pupils. Suddenly he was blind, but all seeing. His hands moved with the speed of a viper, striking out and casting away the hands on his body. Two steps back, the necklace was glowing, his hands were open and low, claws ready to strike and bring about the end of days. When he spoke, the voice was not his own. “Everything is a dream,” he said, taking another step to the side, as if he intended to circle and strike the grinning man down.


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