what dreams may come

He cackled madly as the other jumped back and tensed for a fight. Is it? he crooned in his buttered up voice as his wild grin glowed in the moonlight. The demon tossed his head back and his grin melted into a sneer. In the same breath, the ground beneath them began to shake and he shot up off the ground, five times his previous height and towering in the sky. From there, he could see that the rising waters had floated to a height even greater than that -- it encompassed the entire northern horizon so that it was no longer there, it teetored dangerously, ready to fall with the waters of a thousand planets, ready to crush them into a black hole.

He knelt down and made to grab the remaining red-eyed little man, voice booming loudly in the forest now, And is this you dreaming of me then, baby, or is it more complicated than that? Of course it was. Up in the sky, he had seen the fire too. This was bigger than the two of them, the four of them, the five and six, maybe. Maybe this was all the wretched goods and evils of a planet's entire life compacted into a second time, but it would be arrogant to think that, wouldn't it? This was the shadow place of their dreams and realities. This was where they would die.


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