what dreams may come

indent He could feel the ground shake, feel it change, and the demon was a giant, the demon had him in his hand. Ahren jerked once and found he could not break the crushing weight. And then, as the scarred demon spoke, something changed. When he looked up next, he was grinning, then he was laughing madly, laughing louder then ever, his head back and his dreadlocks spilling over his face. His head turned down, the blind eyes turned to the giant, and he could not remove that grin from his face. Slowly, his body began to vanish, one piece after another, feet and hands and arms and then all that was left was the tattoo on his chest, his eyes, the cursed necklace, and then they were gone as well.
indent The wind howled, the fire was spiraling into the sky, and suddenly the stars had shifted and changed. Two bright red-yellow burned a hole in the night and a figure without a body, something made of shadow and darkness that hid the stars, it moved in the sky like some great and ancient dragon. And the laughter, an ancient laughter older then either of them, continued. “It’s far bigger then you, Ryoujoku Ame,” the voice that was not his own said, coming from all directions at once.


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