what dreams may come

indent The giant faded, the sky was torn open, the stars fell, and the dragon (who was not a dragon) was gone. Ahren sat bolt upright, his eyes opening wide in the darkness. He could not see it, but the glow, the ember glow of a being whose name was blasphemy to speak, remained. Without thinking, he half-stumbled from his bed, moving away from this place, moving out and into the cold, empty night. He walked without knowing where he was going, but he had known all along.
indent At the shore of the lake, where the fog began to creep out and settle around his feet, he stopped. He struck a match, lit a cigarette, and took a deep breath. When he exhaled, there was no dragon. There was no sense of anything except the cold under his feet and the sound of wind through the trees.
indent And that filled him with quiet reason.


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