never strain, never break

It was cold, but not any colder than she had remembered it being. Corona still didn't care much for being out in the cold weather, but mostly because her winter coat was more of a joke than totally useful for her. She really hadn't gone too far east of Inferni before the soles of her feet had gone numb and the tips of her fingers ached, but she persisted. Getting away, getting out, whatever it was that she was doing, it was a change of pace. Just like Ahren had said, Esper Hollow had turned to shambles, but she supposed that was to be expected. Travellers made poor leaders to begin with.

As for the peculiar place that she found herself in, save for the ferns that were randomly grouped and placed, it wasn't anything different than she had seen before. Foothills, trees, it was reminiscent of places she had seen a hundred times before. What was of course, the thing that grasped her attention as she meandered quietly down a snowy path towards the caverns was a dark-haired fellow with a cane. Nothing about him was familiar, at least from the backside.

There were plenty of ones like him, not in the injured sense, but ones that didn't have a pack to go home to and for the most part lived like hermits. Her father and Laruku were fine examples of that. Intrigued by him as he hobbled along, she slowed her approach as she neared him. “This is certainly a tricky place to be wandering around with a bad leg,” she commented, “unless this place is the reason why you need a crutch.”


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