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Mew Sadira
Word count: 447

The awkwardness from a moment only seconds ago that went to startled anger now stiffened in tenseness as Haku did not like the questions she asked. Mew's baby brother was clearly uncomfortable, more so than Mew could recall she had ever seen him. That is, purely uncomfortable. Embarrassement and awkwardness did not count. He was truly put off by this, and perhaps he had reason to. Haku had never been the kind to feel uncertainty very strongly, which was almost always what made the case when one was presented with accidental parentship. On the contrary, his confidence in himself reached, at times, nearly unbearable heights, but as his sister she had grown to love even that feature of his personality. It reminded her of Haku the puppy, king of the world with no one to stop him. This confidence seemed to have just a small bulk in its body right now, but Mew doubted it would be lasting. Nope, he would settle with the situation fairly soon enough, though it might feel a bit out of hand right now.

As she heard the name the brown male in front of her spoke, she realized some of the center of his worries. Deuce. Mew knew, vaguely, of the leadership in the other packs, except Inferni, which she did not dare think about, let alone seek out or talk about. So he was not going to take part. Mew understood this very well...but a leader's unclaimed pups would be a center of curiosity, and not that many other males than Haku had that warm brown pelt, presenting a major problem. Mew didn't care about Firefly in the least, but if the truth was unveiled their pack might lose another member, and they couldn't really afford it. Hopefully, a good portion of time would pass until anyone realized who the pups' father was, and by then perhaps any situation with Firefly was more easily avoided.

I don't know what to say.. I guess you're not going to run over to be her mate... No words seemed to fit what she wanted to say. And she feared becoming too emotional due to his reaction against it before. In general Mew would always be vulnerable to her brother's wrath or opinions. Mew did not care about what people thought of her, with the exception of Colibri and Haku. Melisande was far gone, so that relation was buried, but what was left of the core of the family remained dear to her. She knew it was probably folly to be scared of his reactions, but she was nonetheless. He would never know, though. She is going to hide the truth as well, then?


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