a turn for the better - p anu
The femme smiled softly as Anu spoke. Although her words were simple, they struck a chord within her. Life didn't always have to be complicated and tumultuous to be wonderful. Anything worth having might be worth fighting for, but that didn't mean there had to be a fight. It fit well that the kind-eyed wolfess had met her match in simply and that her feelings were uncomplicated. Geneva might have been jealous if it had been anyone but Anu and Naniko. In her few days in Crimson Dreams, she had encountered more goodwill than she had anywhere else. She knew that was due largely to Naniko and Anu's influence. No, she couldn't find it in her to be the slightest bit envious of two obviously wonderful wolves.

"It must have been like fate. To have been so sure," she said softly. In the past few months, the stone hued femme had wondered often on the topic. Did everything happen for a reason? Geneva didn't like to think so, but at the same time she was conflicted. When wonderful things happened, it was easy to think there was a greater force behind the circumstances. But when bad things happened? She couldn't make sense of the theory.

But Anu's attention was still on her. "Oh..." she said uncertainly, her eyes sliding from Anu's face. She hated to be the center of attention. And although Anu's scrutiny wasn't critical, it still made Geneva feel slightly claustraphobic. She swallowed a little nervously, clearing her throat before tossing a glance toward Mati. She seemed consumed in puppy things, but the wolfess lowered her voice anyway, instinctively matching her level of sound. "I was just thinking about -- someone, someone I loved, love very much. Sometimes I find it hard to think about him is all."


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