I was goin’ nowhere fast

indent Circumstances... yes, she was getting the feeling that a lot of circumstances and people had changed a lot since she'd been gone. She could certainly see why Iskata had left the pack, perhaps Storm was a more peaceful place. Either way, the alpha seemed a bit more... well, sane. She gave him a smile, glad to feel welcome on the other pack's lands. She hadn't made friends with a whole lot of other wolves on other packlands. She'd ventured everywhere as a pup, and had never been chased away, but wasn't invited one place or another either.

indent "Thanks for the invitation, I'll more than likely take you up on it." How well did she know Iskata... she wasn't sure how to explain that. She'd met the female a few times, and had grown up knowing that she was her aunt, one of the few stable figures who was always around, who didn't ever disappear or go crazy or anything. "Not an incredible amount... just that she is kind and... hmm, I remember her being creative. I always liked that."


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