Baby girl, I'm just a blur

She didn't know what it was about pups that she didn't like, exactly. Maybe it was the fact that they were so dependent on their mothers or caretakers. Ember had been very, very dependent on Phoenix when she had been little...and look where it had gotten her now. If she had been taught how to be more independent, she might not have ended up this way. Losing Phoenix had been devastating.

"I'm fishing." She answered shortly. "Getting them out of this water so I can eat them. Didn't your parents teach you anything?" Probably not. "If you go under the water and don't come back out for a while, and you can't breathe...then you're drowning. If you go in there and get stuck under the ice, then you can't come back up for air." It was the most she'd spoken to the pup. Ember yanked on her line, pulling a large fish up out of the water. It flopped about on the line, fighting, and she pulled it over to the shore. The pup wasn't too close, and the fish landed between them, still flopping around. "It's as big as you are" She commented. "A good catch."


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