a blizzard when hot.
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Well, if they were to look at this situation from a different angle, Haku was keeping a certain other safe from harm. The trespasser safe from physical injuries. It was common knowledge that pack borders (especially so clearly marked as Dahlia’s these days) were there for a reason. Trespassing meant intruding other people’s property, and when done so ignorantly and rudely as in this situation, finding a trespasser this far away from the borders (not that far really, but more than deep enough into the territory) rose questions, suspicion and hostility. Also, Haku was probably the worst brute that Pendzez could have met when submitting this crime. Dahlia had shrunk, their land was large, and they had recently ended a war, but still there was tension. Strangers seemed to believe they could come and go as they pleased, and the chocolate and cream Lilium intended to show them that this was not the case.

The milky white stranger spoke up and apologized, and Haku was decent enough to cease the snarl that filled the empty air between them, but his fangs were still bared and pose was dominant as ever before. The Dahlia wolf allowed the male to walk away, but decided to follow after him with nothing but some distance between them. However, the stranger stopped for some odd reason, looking back to Haku once before staring off in another direction. The blue eyed leader stood silent for a few seconds, allowing a short moment to pass in case there actually was something up, something concrete that had caused the white male to stop, but he failed to see a valid reason. Haku let a grown rise again to lead the stranger’s attention back to him and at the same time announcing that he still was not safely out of Dahlia property.

Keep moving, or I will toss out the remaining pieces of you myself when I am done dealing with your sorry ass. Yes, of course, Haku was a bit harsher than he should be, but it was too obvious that the stranger had never had any reason to pop up here in the first place. If there had been a reason, Haku knew he would have stated it earlier instead of simply apologizing and start to walk away. The brown Dahlia male had enough to do, and he would not like to see an ignorant stranger drag out his time by acting mysterious.


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