teeth the size of piano keys

I'm sorry for the wait! Want to wrap this up soon?

indent He was impatient to grow up, too. He was a big boy for his age, but he wanted to be as large and strong as their father, and as beautiful as his mother. Icarus was just like Phoenix, with the coat of deep chocolate; and he happened to also have the advantage of the Sadira-blue eyes. This troubled Kansas, and in a sense, he was jealous. Icarus had the physical advantages of both his parents, and, being so young, the cream-coated boy placed a lot of value on physical attributes. Already he could tell that his brother was strong, as Icarus overtook him and rolled him around in the piney leaves.

indent Thus worried, Kansas listened to his brother’s question, and took a moment to think about it. Did being the alpha mean you had to have the job forever? He knew what death was, but wasn’t quite ready to associate it with his father. It was also his desire to uplift Icarus. He shook a few leaves from his coat and continued to stare absently and the gnarled tree. Finally, he gave a mix of answers that probably didn’t make much sense, but it was something. Um… I unno. He’ll be the leader for a long, long time; until he gets all old and stuffs. But you gotsa good shot! An’, maybe it’s even better ‘cause you look like him… or something. He grinned.


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