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"Haven! Geneva exclaimed in delight. She passed her fingers through the soft fur behind his ears fondly in greeting. She shot a grin at Salem, glad to finally make his acquaintance. She had finally met all of Naniko and Anu's litter. Her lime green eyes lingered on the small, quiet pup. Salem seemed very solemn, quiet - but not at all withdrawn. She could tell that he was very much connected and engaged in everything around him. He reminded her very much of herself, when she had been young. Perhaps he'd take to books the way she had. She spared a quick glance down at the copy of Peter Pan which was in surprisingly good condition.

"It is very nice to finally meet you, Salem. My name is Geneva Stockholm, but you can call me Gennie if you'd like, like Haven does." She winked at Haven. She had heard him calling for her from the hallway. She winked at him, letting him know that it was fine that Salem had heard and that she wasn't in the least bit upset.

The gray hued wolfess noticed the interest that Salem had in the book she was holding. "I found this in the library," she said. "I thought maybe we could read it together."


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