your true strength sleeps behind your eyes
Close, yah?[html]

we prey as wolves among the sheep
and slit the necks of soldiers while they sleep

"Of course I will, if I can ever find one again," Apollo offered, smiling at the thought. Savina had spoken about an instrument that Jazper had, but he had yet to discover if it was a piano or not. If it was, he would undoubtedly try his hand at the songs he had been taught. "I’ll be sure to stop by Phoenix Valley sometime soon. I was offered a place to stay in Crimson Dreams until I settle down, but I’m thinking I might stay somewhere around here." Well, not so much the Waste, but he was thinking more of Drifter Bay. "Take care for now Iskata," moving to give her a departing hug. "I’m sure I’ll see you soon."


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