And you left me..

Yeah, Haku’s appearance did not fit the Sadira genes that usually made themselves visible in the majority of the members of the Sadira family. Maluki did not fit because his genes were graced with more input than the pure blooded wolf offspring Ceres had given birth to. Lisi had been white, Colibri had been white; Haku was chocolate. He held no answers, he had just been born with these colours. His blue eyes was not of that icy tone that both Ceres and Cercelee seemed to posses, but was in a warm vibrant colour instead. So yes, not a Sadira classic, but no less a Sadira. He even had Soul in his name, how could he not be related to the white female with the sad gray eyes? Jefferson eyed him suspiciously and simply stated his disbelief in the fact that they were closely related. Family was not something Haku had grown up to appreciate, as he had spent most of his life alone. If Jefferson would not accept or believe his words, then that was no issue.

Colibri is still alive, yes.. A sharp pinch of imaginary pain slashed across his chest. Yes, it was his dear mother that had given him the deep scar. She had tried to kill him then she had disappeared and Haku had somehow taken her spot in Dahlia de Mai, the pack Colibri had created together with Cercelee. As a matter of fact, Colibri was the leader in the Dahlia pack together with Cercelee before she disappeared. Apparently it had something to do with me, so I guess I am the one that scared her away again. Shit luck, huh? The male grinned, wondering what feelings this half sibling had for their mother. If he still held affection for her, then Haku’s words would not make them friends.


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