I can tell that we are gonna be friends

"Aye, I know yer mum. Yer quite the lucky lad to have a mother so nice as yers." Yes, Naniko had been quite kind to him when they had first met. It had been months ago, when the chap before him had been growing in the warm womb of his mother. Now here was the product of Naniko’s state when they had first met, and Leland couldn’t help but smile at the thought. The smile quickly turned into a lopsided grin as the male asserted that no one mean ever came to these lands. Leland too had once thought like that, and though he hadn’t really run into any too vile villains, he knew now that they did indeed exist. "Oh really? How do ya know I’m not a mean one?"

Of course Leland was anything but, yet he was excited to see how the child would find a logical answer. Already Leland knew this one was sharp, so curious and ready with explanations for anything Leland asked. Especially if the question was about play. "Well, if yer sure I’m not mean, we can play a game. Any game that you pick, I’m kinda bored meself and you seem to know what’s fun ‘round here."


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