Just Another Ordinary Day
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... annerr.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

The young boy was completely mesmerized by the giant cloth picture. There were so many things going on it in it. It looked like in one part some humans were hunting a boar or something. Then on another part was a feast of some sort. He was amazed by the amount of detail that had been worked into it. He couldn't even fathom how old this thing was, yet the images were still more or less crisp. These humans were fascinating creatures. Haven knew that they were gone, but he was still in the dark as to why. They seemed so smart, he wondered what had happened.

It was only when it sounded like his mom had discovered something even more exciting that his eyes were torn away from the picture. He wandered over to where she was standing, but whatever she was looking at was up too high for him to see. A small impatient whimper issued from his throat. "I can't sees! You tink is a crown?" How cool would that be? A suit of armor and a crown. It seemed the two had hit the jackpot.


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