In the house of flies
let the dogs bite at your ankles
On occasion, she was drawn out to the borders for one reason or another. It wasn't necessarily to contribute to their upkeep—Gabriel did that job well enough on his own—but just something she felt like she could do. Anselm was gone, so they were one leader short, but even that wasn't anything new. Corona knew that her mother had lead the clan without any other supporting leaders in more or less the same state that it was in now. Gabriel may as well have not been any different, though maybe a little less gruesome on the physical scale. There were both not nearly as scarred as they should have been. Or maybe she wasn't.

Corona more or less stayed out of sight most of the time, kept to doing what she did best. She interacted with family only and had little regard for the others because they seemed the more likely to be less open-minded and even more biased and full of shit in the form of ridicule and intelligence. Some of them were so far gone that they were only good for fighting. And those somebodies was really reduced now to that someone, and that was Hybrid. Corona didn't pay any attention to him if she could help it, though she knew his worth. She knew what he did for Inferni and that was enough. He had earnt his keep. But as she moved through the sparse trees along the toothpick line of skull and bones that made up their visual border, she spotted an all too familiar figure slumped there.

“Jasper?” Her tone filled with instant concern and worry and Corona didn't hesitate to cut the distance between them short to look him over. “What are you doing way out here?” That question should have been rephrased—why are you out here, what's wrong?—but she didn't. She couldn't, knowing that if something was wrong, he would tell her. At least she hoped he would tell her, but there was no guarantees.
let the sunshine burn your eyes

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