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Perhaps it was just the fact that she was a woman but even the warmth of his skin and the pleasures she found in driving him tothe edge and exploiting his every weakness wasn't enough. When it was all over and done all she was left with was the salty taste on her lips, the scent that clung to her flesh and a quickly fading warmth in the bed she'd made.. And as she'd made it, she slept in it. Quietly for too long she'd played the act, she'd played at being content in being his mistress, his plaything.. and yet she wanted more. Her emerald eyes seemed to plead with him to be gentle this time, she wasn't for certain anymore if she could take the madness that rose when he walked out the door and left her wrapped in the dirty sheets and their sins. So quickly she cast her eyes away as she felt his touch upon her flesh.

A quiver etched under her skin as the pressure of his nails so softly on her back drew her into the house and to her chair, as though she were a princess and this was their own fairytale, except fairytales never came true and neither were believers. Her hands quaked as she slid into the chair he had placed for her. Heart pounding as she slowly watched the male, so nervous he seemed and so unlike himself.. while she was fatally falling to pieces because she was to damn proud to admit the truth, to come face to face with the beast and claim what should have been hers and hers alone. She wasn't his slave to draw to bed, though he was a prince and this was his kingdom and technically he could rule it as a tyrant if he pleased.

Her bright eyes watched as the crimson wine poured and the filled glass was presented to her. To hide the quiver in her hands she rolled the stem of the glass between her fingers as his cool confident words soothed over the aching in her soul, quieting the roar of the lioness into a grumble before that sly smile was given and he disappeared into another room. Drawing the sweet tasting wine to her lips she drank deeply, for once not savoring the flavor as she waited on the handsome chocolate tidbit to return. The glass half empty before he'd returned in that long paced minute with the platter of savory vegetables and delicious meats. The scent of them drawing water in her maw as she offered him a smile.. the scared little girl who hide in her prison within questioned the whole dazling display before her.. but the woman who craved what she was so fully denied nearly forgot the pain he'd leave her with after the passion was exhausted.. and so she gave in and actually stopped waiting for the knife that took her heart after every moment they spent together.

A soft flit of laughter escaped her lips, the wine lightening her dark spirits as his absurd remarks on the lighting were added. She didn't know what she'd expected but the grand pampering she was given was the strangest twist he'd ever drawn upon one of their nights of darkness and passion. The taste of the meats and vegetables was savoring and teasing on the tongue as she was served the feast. He played ever so slightly with ihs wineglass, as she had while he'd been gone... while she'd brooded it seemed he was waiting for something.. She was unsure of what was expected of her as she herself picked up the wineglass, the crimson liquid turning and tilting in the encloser before being brought to her lips and stolen out of sight. "Such a fine treat..." she said softly as her heart quickened, afraid yet excited of what was to come. She knew his moods and tastes shifted so quickly.. this though was something all together new and she was unsure of how to handle it but she would learn quickly..

She had no clue what was coming, something inside of her dreaded to find out, she should have been ashamed but there was a bit of excitement laced with that dread as well. The bronze lady wanted more than she'd ever been given but she would greedily take what was given, to feed the passion, the addiction.. to crave and want more. The rumbling of the lioness that prowled within was slowly coming to a roar again as her emerald orbs held his as she waited for the beast to emerge, wondering if she'd have to tease the monster to life or if it was clawing through the confinements the body before her held it within.

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