In the house of flies
What would happen if Gabriel found him near the borders again? He'd been warned once that it wasn't smart to stay near Inferni, but the hopeless feeling of knowing that he had potentially lost everyone he had ever been close to was to much emotion to hold back, it didn't matter if harm came to him. Even the thought of that mysterious coyote, the one who seemed to keep finding him and taking advantage of him, came to mind in the long days that he spent thinking about his family. He had little to go on, his nose had worked the first time that they had met, but it no longer did him good. He could barely remember his face, but the chances that he lingered in Inferni were good. Even knowing that, knowing there may be a chance encounter with the predator, he still came.

As brave as it might have seemed to anyone who knew him, Jasper was still scared. He could feel his skin crawling beneath his fur, which in turn stood on end, even more so when the quiet sound of feet could be heard ahead of him. He was even to afraid to look up and see who it might be, telling himself over and over in his head that it was a bad idea to have even tried to find her. Despite the quiet words that went through his head, he kept his ground, only able to stomach lifting frightened eyes to meet the form of the other at the point that she was so very near. It was a sudden feeling of relief and surprise and even a bit of hope all at once, that seemed to grip him and take away the sick feeling that rolled in the pits of his stomach.

"You really are here." They were quiet words, full of shock and disbelief, and even perhaps on the verge of tears. "I thought I lost everyone.." His lips quivered as he spoke, but Jasper had learned a thing or two, or at least had attempted to, in his time with his father. He wanted to be strong, even if he had mistaken his father's potential heartlessness as strength. He fought back the tears, gritted his teeth and shook on his feet until he thought her might crumble to the ground in defeat. He didn't know whether to hug her or run away before she got a chance to whack him.


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