I was a scarlet letter
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Hell, Jefferson wasn't much of a pupsitter, but he supposed he managed to do his job rather well. The brute hardly strayed from Phoenix Valley lands; his handicap made it difficult sometimes, but even when shifted and comfortable on two solid legs and claws, he preferred the business life and solidarity of the pack lands. Remaining there made it less likely that he would run into a conflict, or so he had always hoped. He could simply deal with his duties and go on with life; he missed the old days when he could explore, but after the bear attack, he realized that seeing the world with only one eye made it half as effective, and the world had suddenly lost all of its glimmer. It was glazed over, uninteresting, grayscale... the color had been sucked out of the milieu. Of course, he stayed in Phoenix Valley to avoid unnecessary reunions and trouble, but it was times like this that the purpose was somewhat defeated. He raised a brow and scratched at the back of his neck.

Of course, when she mentioned her mother, Jefferson immediately reacted with an overdrawn rolling of the eye and a rubbing of the brow. How did this always happen? He chuckled somewhat and shook his head. "Second time that's happened now, random folks wandering in looking for their mothers," he said, silently cursing that annoying fool DaVinci and his peculiar wit that Jefferson had grown to eventually befriend. "You're not another one of Iskata's, are you? There's a lot of her kids flopping around somehow." The only other liable female was Deuce, of course, and Jefferson sort of cringed at the idea of Deuce having children. Surely, they would all be soft-spoken coyote-haters like their mother. Of course, both Iskata and Deuce had been pregnant as of late... well, she could correct him if he was wrong, but he sure hoped he wasn't. "Jefferson," he nodded. "The ranch isn't far from here; you can wait there. I'll show you." Somehow, his reaction to this dark-furred female was unbelievably different from that of his first meeting with DaVinci, but the cold always numbed his easy-to-spark rage anyway. This girl seemed primarily harmless either way; he was not at all intimidated nor threatened. He didn't seem to mind a stranger's company, for once.


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