two paths
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Jefferson had always found a fondness for the livestock ever since their first meeting, when he had first stumbled into the pack starved to skin and bones, hardly breathing, and whose only strength at the time was in his mind and wit rather than his muscles. This goes without saying, of course, that the brute's sarcastic wit had never left him even when his stomach and muscles recuperated and he became healthy again, but the fondness for the animals was still there. He couldn't explain it, really; they were dumb, stupid animals who had once allowed the starved Jefferson to doze off unheeded in their haystacks when the weather was warm, and at other times watched when he'd thrown food out for them or sat on the fence and stared stupidly at them. He'd become well built again, though still on the thin size, but no longer looked sickly and emaciated as he once had. Now with more and more responsibilities, his free time ran thin, but in meandering past the ranch decided to pay a visit to the animals just in case, and found them in fine condition.

And, at the same time, he found DaVinci and his new little... what, third cousin? Second? Hell, he hated family trees; they were too complicated. Jefferson stepped out into the sunlight, a comfortable smirk on his face as he leaned against the barn wall and watched them dawdling with the haystacks. He admired the youth of the child, almost envied its enthusiasm for life, and idly spoke up at the silver-furred male. "I have a half-sibling too, you know," he observed calmly, raising a brow. "But he's an ass from Dahlia de Mai. There's a few of them over there. Good to see you get along with yours." He tried to avoid the subject of Iskata and her misery--he could only wonder where he was, and although his pity ran high, tried to keep it cast from his mind. Jefferson hadn't even bothered to greet the opposite hybrid--they'd started out so rocky, and now, a month or two later, the silver-furred creature's rank was hardly below his own. DaVinci had turned out to be of more actual use than Jefferson had even assumed--when, of course, DaVinci actually gave in and joined the pack.


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