drowning in my own skin
Deuce was making her daily trip to see Iskata. The wounds were healing nicely, she supposed, though the patient's will to live sapped her of the energy to really recover. Deuce didn't really understand why Iskata was not putting more effort into it. She'd known blind wolves before. Her half-brother, edgar, had been blind. She'd known deaf wolves before. She'd known crippled wolves before. al had survived just fine. And yet, Iskata didn't want to go on, she supposed. It was strange to watch someone so vibrant lay there so dully. It hurt the shaman. She could heal the body, but the spirit was a different matter.

She knocked on the door, then entered anyways, not waiting for an answer. There laid iskata, in front of the fire. Right where she'd been when she'd left last night. Tal wasn't with her today. He'd gone off, wandering as usual. Deuce took a soft breath, then forced a smile to her face. Her voice sounded more cheery than she felt as she spoke to the Matrairch. "hello iskata! You look liek your feeling better today." This, of course, was a lie. Iskata looked no better than she had the night before. But Deuce wouldn't let that stop her. "I brought some elk with me. Lucifer brought it down a couple days ago. i made it into jerky." She crossed the room, settling next to her friend.

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