Forever could just mean tomorrow
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We haz a Pilot! :O We're Pro now. >Big Grin

It didn't take long for the first of them to arrive, which happened to be Dawali, and it caused a careful smile to part the sadness on her face. It didn't take the sadness completely though, for soon enough that same sad frown had taken back the features of the dark woman and shone in silver eyes as she cast them out across the hill. She could hear them coming, the quiet voice and the careful steps that they took, and soon enough Tayui and a stranger arrived to join the two who were already there. There was no need to wait for the others to arrive, she decided suddenly, knowing that they were all close enough that they would hear the news from their friends and family. Before she could begin though, the dark woman eyed the stranger that had been brought along. She watched her a few moments, glancing once at Tayui and then back again before she smiled and gave a careful nod. "Of course." Because the only way to gain trust was to show it and certainly this younger woman had shown Tayui she could be trusted.

"The rest of the tribe has fallen behind, caught in bad weather." She said finally, but there was a deep tone to her voice, something that meant that it wasn't just a simple snow storm. "My siblings left out not long ago, they're traveling back to see if they can locate the rest of them, group them up, and lead them back here." Of course, there was a chance that her siblings wouldn't make it to the rest of them. There was a chance that they wouldn't see any of them ever again, but she supposed that was something that didn't need to be spoken. "We'll go ahead and start setting up, I'll mark the borders with Dawali's help." The first sign that Dawali would be given a position as a leader, which she only paused to smile a moment at. "We'll prepare for their arrival so that they won't have to waste time in the cold settling in."

Her words fell short though and her gaze swung past the small group that had gathered and quickly settled on the figure that had suddenly appeared. "Hello.." It was all that she could offer the stranger in that moment, not even sure if he had meant to come across them or not.


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