two paths
DaVinci turned his head slightly when he'd heard the approach of another, at the sight of Jefferson he smirked slightly but kept his focus on Zana who was attempting to eat his wrist as she growled and yapped quietly. When Jefferson commenting on having a sibling and the next remark that followed he did nothing but laugh, the reply slipping out before he could even stop it. "Yeah, I can believe that. I've had the pleasure of meeting him once or twice. Funny, he reminded me of you.. some." His eyes danced in the light as he taunted the male. Haku wasn't much at all like Jefferson except for the time DaVi had found him broading over god knows what and had delivered the knews of Firefly into his paws. He probably shouldn't have even went about in that manner to get the issue resolved but attempting to kidnap his wildchild of a sister without the packleader knowing could have ended badly for him.

He shook his head at the memory and turnened Zana over onto her back just to hear her protest. Flashing Jefferson another grin he raised a brow as he scuffed. "Yeah, so hard to get along when she doesn't even know who I really am yet." The girl continued her yoddling coyote grumble even after she'd gathered her wobbly feet under her. To silence the child DaVinci pushed her back over into the hay and surendered one of the bottles of milk to the child to attack. "She probably think I'm her mother by now.." he said with a bit of bitterness as he narrowed his eyes at Jefferson. "You wanna be daddy?" he asked, knowing the poor kid already had a mixed up enough family without trying to confuse her more but he doubted she understood a damn thing they were saying, or so he hoped.

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