burning the midnight oil - p sankor
While she may have been quiet the male generally was easy going and gentle, sometimes loud and brawny like boys tended to be but always on the inside he was a giant teddybear with a heart of gold. He smiled at her soft lilt of laughter at his foolishness before settling into teasing the woman back some for the words she offered him. His large paws padding softly beside hers as he grinned softly, knowing this would be a walk to remember, atleast for a while.

He turned his green flecked orbs towards the woman as she seemed to grow into a braver soul. His smile never vanished as he snorted. Flashing a toothy grin he tossed his mane in some odd snobby airhead like manner as he said with a fake blast of boredom. "That's nothing, just wait til the lake ices over.. then I'll show you some real talent." Oh yes, he knew just how awesome he was. He'd really regret that comment though as it would soon enough be cold enough for him to bust a few moves on the ice, or better yet bust his arse.

Flickering his eyes back to meet hers he asked horrified that she was going to lead him off into the darkness and get the both of them lost. "I bet you've been planning this.. waiting for soom poor unexpecting sap to come along and convince him to take a long walk in the middle of nowhere.." He stopped for a moment and cast her a suspicious glance. "You're not some serial killer are you? I've got to tell you.. I don't make a good victim. I tend to snivel and moan and cause all sorts of anguish to the nerves." the words were said in almost a happy manner, as though he had no problem at all being her victim!

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