hey john, what's your name again?

     Ahren had rarely talked to his children about his own parents, both mad and long dead. It was as if they had never existed now, with all trace of their work burnt up in the fire (except for perhaps Ahren, though he could taste the days on his tongue). Exhaling smoke into the cold, and breathing in the ice deeply, he spared a glance to the gray wolf. This was the grandson, which he should have guessed from his age. Not that he didn’t put it past either of them (and Rurik least of all) to have more children. Kaena had proven that age was little barrier to continuing her bloodline.
     Zaets was a name he recognized, but not because of any personal connection. A shake of the head sent his black-streaked hair into his face. “No,” he conceded, brushing his bangs back. “I only met your grandparents a few times, and that was before they had children.”


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