drowning in my own skin
Deuce's heart broke as Iskata vented her frustrations. She reached out a hand, laying it on her shoulder, careful not to touch the healing stitches. "Iskata..." The pale woman was at a loss for words, really. how could she explain to her firend why everyone tried to act upbeat around her? She studied the woman queitly, aching for her once lively friend. Life was so unfair anymore, to do this to a woman so undeserving while the guilty roamed freely.

"We don't want you to hurt about this. I'm sure you'll be better in no time, my friend." Except she knew the woman wouldn't. Iskata had no will to go on, and the Shaman didn't know how to fix that. She could only repair felsh, her attemtps at repairing the spirit were useless, and sometimes resulted in more harm than good.

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