reflections turn my heart to stone
Iskata's words were loud in the silence. Deuce froze, her heart dropping. "Don't give up the fight, my friend. We can get you through this, I promise." Could she? The cold outside had helped to save her life, it seemed. the cool air had lowered her body tempature, slowing her heart rate, slowing the flow of blood. All Deuce was doing now was damage control. It might not be enough, and in her heart, Deuce knew it. She wouldn't face it head on, but she knew it.

She resumed her stitching, mindful of the time slipping by. She was nearly done, it seemed. How long had she ben doing this? An hour? Two hours? She couldn't remember doing most of it. It was probably hell on iskata too. And Deuce had no choice but to continue.

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