Heart of the Hunter

Slaying the Dreamer

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For a moment, his pale blue gaze swept over her - the one wolf in this pack with markings stranger than his own, coupled with those haunting blank eyes. There was something wild about her, too, as she drew nearer... Something... intriguing. Then she spoke, her voice sweet and shy, and he relaxed. Perhaps he had been imagining things after all. "Pleasure to meet you, Cwmfen," the arctic wolf drawled pleasantly, immediately dropping all formalities. It could be seen as insolence, since he had recently been demoted to the lowest in the pack, but he still held one of the highest co-ranks since no one was actually displeased with his behavior. He let his ebony-dipped tail thump lightly on the ground, pleased with the unexpected attention.

"I'm Slay, m'dear, and there's no need to stand on ceremony with me. I don't bare my throat to anyone, and I don't expect anyone to do so with me." He flashed a smile, wondering for a moment whether she was familiar with the old custom. Since a lot of the wolves in these parts adopted the two-legger form, they had been acting more and more human, dropping some of the old canine instincts as they went. Still, that one had been drilled into him as a pup - show your throat in submission to your elders, or get a snap on the ear for your impudence. "I know exactly what you mean - most of my years were spent in solitude too, so it's only recently that I've had a chance to hunt in a group. I've never pulled off tandem before... You know, pairs," he added with a wink. He had a weakness for shy females; he found it unbearably cute, and it wouldn't be the first time he tried to embarrass them into blushing. Little wonder he'd never had a mate, even after his fourth birthday.

"...You want to try it out, love?"

I've got soul but I'm not a soldier


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