Who's this queen of stranger places
http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j40/k ... mfenv2.png); background-position: center center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

Is it okay if this is set sometime before the 12th? It could even be the 11th, ^=^;;

Cwmfen had departed from her hunt-study with Slay. She was glad that she had sought out the dual coloured male, for the experience had been a rich one. She had learned that such hunting was very similar to solo hunting; the coordination between the hunting wolves was the key issue. It was a new thing to the Caledonian-Korean she-wolf, this group-hunting, but it was an exciting prospect. While she was alone now, the female no longer felt a need to remain in her solitude. There was a new desire within her now to pursue this business of hunting, to take up that co-rank and to hunt with those of Dahlia de Mai. Perhaps, also, it was time to find someone with which to share her solitude....

The black fae walked nonchalantly, wandering as always amongst those familiar things. She chewed absently upon a vole she had caught moments before, savoring the sweet juices that came in a thick flow after every crunch of breaking bones. Tasty little animal. It was true, she had only just hunted with the top-ranking of the trade, but sometimes she felt the need to eat, and these were one of those times. Perhaps it was attributed to her thoughtful mood, which often triggered such a craving. It was when she was chewing the creature that the call sounded. She paused in her traveling, lifting her head higher as if to better catch the sound. The woad-banded ears pricked forward, listening to the voice. It was not one that she had heard upon the wind before, but the voice was not unfamiliar. And, to her surprise, it was meant for her. This aspect made her pause for a few moments longer, even when the song had died. Why was she being summoned? Hopefully, she had not done something wrong, especially when she had had no ill intent in anything thus far. Yet, the call seemed unthreatening, and so after considering her location, which did not seem to be far from the caller, she decided to go and find the summoner. The woad-marked female lifted her maw, calling a low call in response.

She would be there soon.

The air was cold, but it had not yet penetrated through her winter coat. She trotted quickly, but did not take it at a full lope. She knew that she was warm now, but if she lost body heat too fast, it would be dangerous—and more so if she sweated. It was safer and more efficient in the long run if she took it at this middle-way. There was a light dusting of snow upon the ground, and her paws marked the she-wolf’s passage clearly. Yet, she no longer worried quite so often over the matter of the crow-wolf, for she felt that there was safety within these boarders. Her breathing was light and her movements effortless, but it was cold enough to draw a cloud with each exhalation that was made. She always thought that such a phenomenon as amazing and beautiful, and she was enjoying herself. She hoped that the female (was it Mew? She tried to remember from the meeting.) would not be waiting for long.

It was not long when she herself was able to pick up the caller’s scent. Apparently, for the cold of the weather, the scent had not travelled far, for almost immediately Cwmfen saw the other ahead through the trees. Pausing, she shifted, for the other was in her luperci form, and she thought it appropriate to shift as well. It took ten minutes—the change was easier now—and then she approached the white female. Suddenly, she remembered that this white woman had been the musician. Smiling shyly, the Caledonian-Korean approached the human-made shelter. Dipping her maw in respect for the ranking female, the alto melody quietly inquired, "You called?"


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