In the house of flies
She seemed far to..happy and caring for the sister that he remembered. It was comforting and odd in a way, the way that she was suddenly acting. Her reassurances, or attempts to reassure, only made him feel even more oddly about the whole thing. Being the attention-starved young man that he was though, Jasper was happy to take it all in and push those feelings and thoughts aside for the time. Apparently there was someone else there taking care of them, which meant Corona had come to take care of them also, even though she didn't really have to. Was it only because dad was there though? He was happy enough to think that she had come to take care of him, he didn't need to question her on it.

"Did mom come?" He asked suddenly, quietly. It was a question that had been on his mind since the very moment that he woke up, because he could vaguely remember her being there. Jasper wasn't stupid enough to go asking Ahren about it though, anything that had to do with his mother never seemed to turn out well when it came to their father. "I think she came to see me." He wouldn't tell anyone else but Corona that, but Jasper knew full and well that it might not even have really happened. It was nice to think that it did, though.


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