you're yesterday's child to me
She felt like a child being scowled and perhaps she was. There was nothing she could do or say to make the male not speak his mind, and that was mostly her fault, a vivid memory of tell the male to never fear telling her the truth. She would have smirked at the thought if there was actually anything funny about the fact, but this was not a time for any warped sense of humor. Even if she could manage it she'd probably become even more bitter than she already felt afterwards. She just sat there with the blanket he'd wrapped around her staring at nothing as the words came, his excuse or whatever it might be.

When the words began to flow and the sound of his pacing feet on the boards of the ranch she felt her heckles raise with annoyance at what she was hearing. She knew they had a right to worry for her, even when she would not but she didn't wish to be reminded of what she failed so miseribly at. "How can I see what I'm worth if no one will give me the chance to try.." she replied darkly as her wounded orbs sought the direction from which the male was standing. She felt so helpless even now trying to argue with something she couldn't see. Blind faith wasn't something she had and she didn't even want to attempt to find it now.. faith had never been a strong suit for her.

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