bound for flames
let the dogs bite at your ankles

Her smile broadened at his laugh and she drew her attention away from him and towards the wasting artitecture of the city around them. “I suppose that's true. We've all picked up things along the way.” She hadn't seen Poe for a while, but she didn't mind it either. Poe was a free spirit, much in the sense that the travelling coyotes that had founded Esper Hollow had been. She came and she went as they had. While his comment about his arms absently made her think about the now healed gash that he been on hers, she couldn't really imagine the pain he had to deal with.

“Maybe once spring comes, you'll be able to master it. Then you can be a wandering minstrel and confuse your enemies with song,” she spoke thoughtfully, if not a bit humorously. Being blind in one eye may have fucked up depth perception, but if push came to shove, Corona didn't doubt how much damage a guitar to the head would do. “But no, I'm not really going anywhere in particular. Just wandering around. Trying not to get bludgeoned by anyone while I'm here this time.” Though if that one broad from before came around… she'd be confused this time for sure…

let the sunshine burn your eyes

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