In the house of flies
let the dogs bite at your ankles

She wasn't a very good actor, but she still tried. It was harder to act a certain way, but easy not to act at all. Bury it underneath the sand, bury underneath the rock and the magma beneath that. Put it in the very core of the earth and prayed it didn't bubble back up between the cracks and crevices—the literal scars that were etched into the planet as it were—and pray like hell they all got away with the secrets they hid. But this was her normalcy. Maybe it was a fantasy. Maybe her father was crazy. Maybe her siblings were crazy, maybe her mother had been crazy. Maybe she was just as crazy as they were. But she denied it, she had reasons (excuses) for everything.

“I don't know if she did or not,” Corona replied after a thought of consideration. Had Matinee ever really been there? The gypsy woman had crossed her thoughts a few times. The anger towards her had bubbled up in idle moments when she had been rearranging things. Doing nothing meant that she over thought everything eventually. “You'd have to ask Rachias, I guess. I wasn't always there like she was.” And if Matinee had actually come? Well, Corona didn't care too much as long as she had left Ahren alone, but the gold-haired hybrid had never caught so much as a whiff of her.

She doubted she would ever tire of hating that woman.

let the sunshine burn your eyes

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