never strain, never break
hurr durr durr i am usually not this slow. :| my apologies.
let the dogs bite at your ankles

He was tall and rightfully so, given his pedigree. Wolves were larger than coyotes and as it were, Corona had inherited the short end of the stick out of her litter mates. It seemed a bit of a shame in her eyes that he was crippled, but it seemed like he managed well enough. They all managed well enough if they were given the right tools. “I never have plans,” she said, although it was untrue. She had plans, just not that day. Or the next. Perhaps never, who really knew. “So I don't see why not.”

Corona could settle for an epic tale of danger, even if it involved retrieving something off of a cliff. There was no telling what could happen to them ten feet to the right or the left or half a mile down the road. It could very well turn into that epic tale of danger. “I'm Corona,” she offered after eyeing his bad leg for a moment, levelling out her gaze with his. Though she was half-tempted to jump into a questionnaire about how he had broken his leg, she saved it, feeling uneasy about how he could have busted it up.

let the sunshine burn your eyes

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