i know a fireman (who looks after the fire)
Geneva shivered slightly, her small frame shaking with tiny tremors. It certainly wasn't as cold as it could have been, not by a long shot. She was definitely used to the cold, but she didn't like it at all. Her coat hadn't thickened very much, still thin in some places with thick patches in others. The result was slightly ridiculous. Her tail had fluffed up and the scruff of her neck boasted some thickened patches, make her look slightly like she had a lion's mane.

She walked gingerly through the snow, her approach anything but quiet as the white carpet crunched and ice crackled beneath the pads of her paws. With amusement she realized that she matched the gray-scale landscape rather well. She had grown bolder as she spent time with the Crimson Dreams pack. Her insecurities were melting, becoming the weaknesses of yesterday. She still spent the lion's share of her time in Crimson Dreams territories, but she found that once or twice a week she'd branch out, exploring bit by bit. Her reason for this was partly because Naniko's babies were growing and soon they'd want to explore too, and she wanted to be sure that someone could be with them to care for them just in case.

The stalks of sunflowers rustled as she crept through them, the gray-scale jungle a mass and tangle of dormant flowers. She noticed light coming from the other side and quickened her pace. She made much more noise this time, the rustling, tangling flowers as she launched her way toward the outside. Lime green eyes blinked as she emerged, feet scrambling in the dirt as she stopped just in-time, coming nose to nose with a white blue-eyed male. "Ah, hello!" she said a bit breathlessly.


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