never strain, never break

i'm just a boat on the ocean
cakeThe strangers here were so friendly! Back home, Bane had been treated with some reverence, after he had worked to earn it, of course. Upon his arrival, he had been largely ignored, and in fact looked down on for the reason he had been sent. Now, here, he was a complete stranger, and he was easily finding company among the drab trees of the Dampwoods. This was making it easier for the dark wolf to believe his father's stories of his mother's kindness and patience. The way cultures varied around the world was intriguing.

cakeIn the meantime, something itched inside Bane's head, and he had a feeling he knew why.

cakeThe halfling lady's reply was blunt and he liked it. He smiled at her as she caught up, becoming more blurred with each step. Corona of Inferni. He could smell it on her, an anchor that identified her and what she belonged to. "I'm Bane. A pleasure to meet you, Miss Corona." The formalities were entirely necessary. The upbringing he had been given in his later years of childhood had imprinted this on him. It was still strange to the dark wolf to refrain from giving out his surname, or to have a stranger know him, and vice-versa, on a first-name basis; it felt almost rude. But this wasn't the first time this had happened here, and he would have to adjust. Just do as the natives do, and everything else would come easy.

cake"A cougar," was his simple explanation to her brief glance at his leg, wrapped tightly in the splint. "I think I may have inadvertently invaded her territory. Needless to say, she didn't appreciate it." He continued to move as he spoke, and his tone was calm and genial. Inside his head, he could hear the silence, and he felt the instinct stirring.

cakeHe really was quite glad she had joined him.


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