I would rather be content
I'm not gonna do the plot we were thinking of earlier. I'm just not in the mood for that.


Moon had been confining himself in his den for the last few weeks, which lay a few yards away from his family's, with a tunnel connecting the two chambers big enough for a large wolf to fit through. He slept in a nook dug into the side with the rest of the chamber dedicated to his books, papers, and other whimsical things. At the moment, the silver male was sitting on the floor with a book in one hand and his necklace in the other. This necklace he had found in the Concrete Jungle a few months ago -- a silver, ornate pendant hanging on a silver chain. He had found this in a library on one of his regular visits there, and he had always wondered where it had come from.

He had done some research in his books and found that the design on the pendant was a Celtic knot, a beautiful design that he was unused to seeing. But now he admired the handiwork of the Celts and wanted to understand their culture even further. So the book in his hand was a book on the Druids. They had so many odd ceremonies and so many weird beliefs that Moon was kind of skeptical if this was a real group in history. The humans were an odd people, and while he knew very little about them overall, he did know that most of them didn't walk around some giant stones worshiping whatever god they believed was there. He just couldn't believe some of this silly ideas.


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