bound for flames
let the dogs bite at your ankles

Maybe she had lucked out on most of the crazy that seemed to flood everyone's gene pools. Maybe it was because she had always put distance between things or just accepted it as normalcy. Psychology was interesting enough on its own, but she had never dabbled in it too deeply. She didn't want to be able to play connect the dots so easily when someone started acting foolish. They were all mad as a March hare, that's probably what the answer could be. “Misery said that it was the cancer that killed him,” she replied, “but if he had cancer, then it was probably from his own choices.”

She had never known much of anything about her grandfather. She didn't always quite know or understand her father either. Or her mother. Or her siblings and possibly herself from time to time. “But I guess I can't really say because I never knew him,” she said offhandedly, shrugging. “People behave strangely when they're going to die. Or they want to die.” There was always something a little bit off, something that never presented until the very last moment and by then, they'd just given up. Thrown it all away.

let the sunshine burn your eyes

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