bound for flames

     He coughed again, heavily, and then leaned over the back of the bar to spit. It was marred red, something he recognized as a problem, though chose to ignore. “Ach, I don’t know,” he said, sitting back up and arching his back. It popped, and quieted as he settled back. “Not like we could have reconciled, or anything.” Another drag on the cigarette, another shot of whiskey. If Corona had ever doubted her father was an addict, these terrible signs were all too present on this gray, blustery day.
     “Mab,” he answered flatly. “Mab found me in the city and told me I had to go back. Said she couldn’t find a better man.” Even today, he remembered her face that day. Remembered her one bad eye that had since healed, the way she had looked so relieved when she gave him that damned necklace, and how her eyes were pressing him with a secret warning. Chimera was a monster. Chimera will try to destroy you. “Pack didn’t think so. Aiji was there, and I came out with what I had done. You wanna see people’s true colors, you don’t keep anything in the dark. S’how my arms got all fucked up, anyway.” Another drink, another drag.


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